The Best Plans Can be Changed

This morning started out with me wondering what and why.  The alarm clock in the room (which I did not set) started making weird sounds around 5am.  Kind of a crackle thing.  I tried to pull on the chord to unplug it, hit it a couple of times and then must have fallen back asleep.  At 7am, it started again and I realized I had no choice but to get up and unplug and start the day.  

So, cheap hotel again....they had a way to make coffee, but not a way to have cream and sugar/sweetener so that was not going to work.  Interestingly enough, when I packed my food travel bag with pretzels, nuts, granola bars, peanut butter and veggies I also threw in a couple of packets of instant oatmeal.  That was a life saver since I didn't get coffee, but I could at least put something in my 'wake up' process.  

I got on the road fairly early to head to Little Rock and was again, following the speed limits.  When I google mapped it, the speed traps along the road were identified.  Needless to say there were many and I did not want to get caught.  I think semi truck drivers have a different thought.  

During my drive I was able to talk with Mary Lou who called and then called mom and she actually answered.  

Once in Little Rock, I had some very fun challenges.  First of all the whole area is torn up, detours everywhere and roads blocked.  Ugh.  I couldn't find the Hu International Gardens that I wanted to visit.  The GPS said I was there per the address - but nope.  Then I went to the Arkansas Art Center thinking I could at least relax over art.  Nope, they were closed and in the process of moving.  The security guard was new to the area and had no offers of things to do.  I then decided to go to the Bill Clinton Museum and the roads were all blocked.  I finally found a parking meter guy who gave me drive around directions.  He also suggested that I do the River Market area and walk along the river.  So at least I had some directions and activities.  

The Museum was very interesting.  I remember when Clinton was President, when Al Gore was his Vice President.  I remember the condition of the country and many of the bills he introduced.  As a President he did a lot for our country, from introducing the brady bill for gun registration, making FMLA a law for new parents, introducing a producing a balanced budget, sponsoring peace, etc.   As a human being, he did himself no favors.  I wonder if he had never had the Monica thing would they ever have tried the impeachment thing and would he get credit for all of his accomplishments.  And there were many.  

One odd tidibit....I have not seen a MI license plate since somewhere in TN.  Today I parked next to a vehicle that also had a Spartan license cover.  And, when I went to buy my ticket, they were just ahead of me and he had on an MSU shirt.  :-)  Needless to say, I had to say something.  

After the museum visit I went to the River Market area and did a nice walk and had some fish for lunch.  There is random art along the River walk and there is some history about Little Rock but nothing that really sank into me.......

 I think Hot Springs was the real destination place in Arkansas......I felt peaceful the closer I got to the city.  Foe one, not every street and intersection was torn up.  I could follow the GPS and get to where I wanted to go.  Highway 30 seemed more like driving at home since there were many stores, businesses, etc along the way.  By the time I got off the roads and was in Hot Springs National Park, which is where the city of Hot Springs is part of........I was in a good place.  The temperature was a bit high - 91degrees, but it was still good.

The hotel is a dramatic difference from last night. I am in a corner room and can see  The general area is amazing, and then the bathroom is almost as big as the room itself.  And the views are quite nice even though I am only on the 6th floor.  

I am looking forward to exploring the 'springs' tomorrow.  My visiting rhythm is a bit off right now......but I will make it work.  

Since I have still not gotten out of that introspection shit, here are some observations.

.........I am not focused on how I look.  In fact I wonder when I check into hotels or restaurants what they think.  I think my diamonds give me the permission to take care of myself or, they make me feel like I am worth taking care of.  Not sure which, but I have noticed the past few days that makeup, outfits, shoes, all are not important  to me.  

........I wonder what my kids and grandkids know about all that has happened to various races and populations in the past.  Do they understand the civil rights movement, do they realize the strides that women have made in this country, do they think outside themselves and how they can make a difference. For my kids, I know they do.....While they have not experienced some things themselves, they experienced me talking about them.  For the grandkids I wonder,  In this new world, where we cannot discuss things...........will they recognize their ability to influence change?  I sure hope so.  

........What's amazing to me is how / where you grew up can impact your beliefs and feelings.  That said, how come Lyndon B Johnson from Texas was such a Civil Rights Advocate?  How come William Clinton from Arkansas could see that the world conditions impacted the American conditions?  I am sure there are others who influenced beyond their upbringings.  I am just hoping that because of my experiences I am one of those too.  

The plan is to head towards Oklahoma tomorrow.  I haven't heard from Blake yet, so I think I am on my own.  But again, the morning can bring new wisdom or new ideas.  


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