Gotta do, gotta go......

I have no idea how I just signed up again for being able to blog.  I guess that fits with my title....Im still standing even though I have no idea how and why.   

I am getting ready to embark on a new road trip starting tomorrow.  I have talked myself out if it several times-still questioning my decision today-but I know I need to do something to jumpstart myself.  The past couple of years have been hard for many reasons.  Covid, John's cancer, no longer working, mom's decline, self isolation, political climate.....I could go on and on with reasons that I have basically shut down and since I am so good at introspection - i know I need to do something to shake things up.

The other day my Facebook peeps were posting what song defined, I did the test and mine came up with Elton John's "Im still Standing".  At first i was not impressed - but the more I thought about it I do think it sums up me.  I have experienced love, loss, rejection, acceptance, highs and lows..........and yes, "I'M STILL STANDING".  

I hope that the next days that i am on the road will reinforce that I coming out of the fog and am ready for the sun.  


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