Be Glad, Be Accepting, Be Content

 The morning was fantastic. I actually felt little pressure to meet a checklist and decided to just let the morning happen.  

I got up early, had breakfast and then set out to walk Bathhouse District to get the the place where I could see the 'waterfalls".  On the way I asked a National Park worker, Nick if I was on the right track, and he informed me that I had to back track a bit and that he is not sure why people say waterfall when it is really just a "cascade"  I did turn around an followed his direction and now have a good understanding why they are called 'hot' springs.  Damn, my hand was red after just immersing it into the water to feel it.  As I headed back towards town, there were also other 'fountains" that were around.  I tested several of them and they were all "hot".  Interestingly, Nick the National Park guy shared with me the temperature that the water comes out of the ground, the way that the rocks around are formed and have more vertical grooves which gets the water down, that the water that comes out of the fountains in the city that people can fill jugs is usually cooled before people drink it, and that the spas use the water from the earth and blend it with 'cooled' spring water for the therapeutic baths.  (thank you Nick for the insight and for telling me to go to the Lamar Bathhouse to get some water that was mixed with cooled spring water.  Therefore drinkable.  

After doing the walk to the cascade, I followed the Visitor's Center Advice and drove to the "tower" that provided a view of the entire area.  I really was impressive.  Lots of undeveloped land which is part of the National Park which is part of the city of Hot Springs.  The one thing I really noticed was the building I saw from my hotel and from downtown.  I had asked the person at the Lamar Bathhouse about it and she told me it was once an Army Navy Hospital, then was turned over to the state of Arkansas to establish a rehabilitation center, and that was closed in 2010 and it has been vacant while the US government and the State of Arkansas decide who is responsible for what.  A shame, since there are 4 buildings and 25 acres in the city/National Park of Hot Springs which could probably make it an economic windfall for the city.   It is impressive close up and very impressive from above.  

My route out of Hot Springs took me through several neighborhoods.   I thought "I could live in these."

Then, for whatever reason I was navigating on the "back roads" of Arkansas and Oklahoma.  Not sure what happened as I thought I programmed the GPS from one center of town to another, but instead of the main I-40, I was on 71 something and it was basically a single lane, no towns, no gas stations, occasionally a passing lane and through lots and lots of curves.  I admit at one point I felt road rage as there was a pickup truck tailgating me when I was going 57 in a 55 zone.  I ended up driving on the shoulder so he could pass me.......

The other challenge of the backroads was that I had no clue if I was in Arkansas or Oklahoma.  I knew it was a long drive, but I was confused as I did not see any signs which indicated things.  I decided that the universe was driving me in the direction I needed to go, and to just do the drive.....and it was a long drive.  

At one point I decided I just needed to stop.  I looked at the map (should not do while driving) and then looked at and committed to a stop.  Heck there was basketball on tonight.  I was only 12 minutes from some of the things I want to do tomorrow, and I definitely needed to get out of these clothes and get comfortable.  

That said, here are some random thoughts while driving today............

I did not see singles traveling.  Most were couples.  Also it appeared to be female friends travelling together.  My question to myself is who could I travel with?  One to three days I have done, but more than that I have it me, or not?

I wanted to fill my tank at 1/2 full per Shaq's suggestion that it doesn't feel so much when you do before it is close to empty.  Didn't happen, but need to do before I drive tomorrow.  

I need to figure out how to dress for my body.  I have noticed how "large" my body looks and that most of my clothes are not for the current temperatures.  Not in the mood to shop, but need to do so fairly soon.

Again, not wanting to shop....I need to get some sandals that are meant for walking. What have I been thinking for the past few years?  

Not investigating the trip kept me from digging for crystals in western Arkansas.  Probably good since it was hot and I didn't want to get dirty...but seeing the crystals at  rock shop that people found was making me feel a bit 'wishful'.

I wonder if Gretchen and the governors of the states I have been through have had conversations.  So many roads are torn up and being worked on.............did they too promise their constituents that they would "fix the damn roads"

So far, I can say it has been a good trip.  Would I say it has been one of my best experiences ever........not sure.  But I am glad I am doing it.   

Tomorrow I will visit OKC, and then make a decision from there on next steps.  Good news is that I can now take two states off my bucket list.  Only one more to do.  :-)


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